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Airborne Radio Antenna Multicoupler

Taking a picture from a very high altitude is both a unique and fascinating aspect of producing airborne photos. Such pictures taken from an airborne location are known as aerial footage.


Aerial footage can be taken above any place in the world from an airborne location, whether inside an airplane, balloon, satellite, paraglide or from other flight vehicles. The history of aerial photography goes back to 1858 when French airman, Nadar, introduced it for use it in war. During World War II, airborne footage was used extensively to locate enemy troops and to spy on their locations. This type of photography was also used to assess ground situations during battle, topography, and other circumstances around the world. Today, aerial spying has increased in its tactical prominence for helping on strategic battle grounds.

Advantages of Aerial Photography

Pictures taken from overhead locations can be very helpful in producing topographic maps for various locations in cartography, planning how to use a particular parcel of land, movie productions, international espionage, and environmental studies, just to name a few.

The proliferation of technological advances have paved the way for airborne footage as an important niche of photography. Progress in photographic capabilities has also enabled the use of aircraft models to gather terrain information through radio controlled aircrafts that can fly at low altitudes. It is even used for something as basic as real estate advertising. The reason for using radio controlled aircraft for advertising is because aircrafts piloted by people are not authorized to fly at low altitudes in populated centers It doesn't hurt the decision-making process that these radio controlled aircrafts handle this responsibility very well.

Public Domain

Pictures taken from the air are normally considered as public domain because they are snapped in airborne locations which are viewed as public places. Such aerial photographs can be seen online.

One of the major search engines to provide an aerial view of locations is Google's site. It zeros in on targets from satellites orbiting the planet. The service can be used to see places such as landmarks, water beds, and hotels. Best routes can be tracked down to specific locations all over the world. You can tap into 3 dimensional views of specific structures as well as tilt and rotate a building image, for example, by the click of your mouse. A person is also able to measure the distance between one city and another. If a road between two cities is under construction, browsing Google earth to identify an alternative means of travel to the desired location is an option.

Anyone interested in gaining a deeper knowledge about airborne footage can browse some of its basic materials at a nearby library. Additionally, much of the same information on aerial photography is also easily accessible on the Internet.

For practical photography & camera information, please visit, a popular site providing great insights about photography training, camera types, and more.
