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How does satellite radio work? To understand how satellite radio works you must first understand how analog radio works. Analog radio works by broadcasting the radio frequency to local transmitters and then on to the listener. Satellite radio works similarly but instead of using stationary transmitters with limited range to broadcast their media to the people, they use mobile Satellites.

Satellites are equipment that orbit the earth and can pick up and transmit signals globally instead of just in a limited area. In the satellite radio category a satellite bounces the transmitted radio frequency off of the satellite and out to the millions of satellite radio listeners around the world. This has increased the satellite radio industry and has made satellite radio a staple media avenue in our everyday lives. Does this help you to understand the question of how does satellite radio work?

A user such as myself or you, who is interested in satellite radio purchases a satellite radio device whether it be stationary or portable, we purchase the desired satellite radio service from whichever service provider offers us the best variety of programming. Once the subscription to this service is established, the device is programmed into a database of devices that are allowed to receive specific radio transmissions from specific satellites. This entry into the database then sends a signal to the device to decrypt satellite frequencies, providing the user with audible satellite radio reception. This explains the question of how does satellite radio work?

Many service providers may use different marketing gimmicks to gain a customer base, claiming to have better coverage or what not. When it comes down to it, The only difference which could be considered is the limitations put on the satellite radio by the databases and what programs and filters any individual service provider may be using to limit the access their customers have to the satellite radio feed. Service providers may offer special features, or special programming which is solely controlled by their databases and the servers they use to transmit the satellite radio feed. You rarely hear of a service provider explaining to the customer the answer to the question of how does satellite radio work?

If a user fails to pay for their subscription to the satellite radio feed, just as with any utility nowadays, the service provider may then send a signal to the device, removing its rights to decrypt satellite radio transmissions. Many technologies in the past, prior to the radio technology have used satellites to widen the spectrum of their services, such as telecommunications such as cell phones. The principal of each service is relatively the same in the fact that a person uses a device such as a satellite radio, or cell phone, to request a transmission through a service provider’s database. If the subscription is paid for the transmission is allowed from the satellite to the user giving us satellite capable radio devices. I hope I have helped answer the question how does satellite radio work?

Satellite Radio HQ talks about the history of satellite radio, the equipment you'll need, the satellite radio channels you can receive and much more.
