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Amateur Radio Qsl Cards

Have you seen lately what is happening in the online article submission category? Well, online article authors, most of them complete amateurs are writing lots of articles these days. But why all the controversy? Well, some professional authors purport that these pesky authors are preventing them from selling their works for high prices like they wish they could. I truly believe that; Professional Writers Who are Weak Complain About Amateur Authors; and therefore I must alert the world, as I am an amateur author myself.

Professional Complainers who happen to be Prozac induced writers think that the online article submission sites are causing their demise. Well then, stop writing and go get a real job and go work for a living then. These professional writers who are weak and complain somehow believe that without these 300,000 amateur articles online, some by professional writers too, then the supply diminishes, meaning the demand for writers goes up. When that happens writers hope to sell there work for more.

Sounds like protectionism to me. It sounds like someone wants to limit my output and deny me my chance for a voice. That sounds pretty bad and lacks common sense. I will not allow weak professional writers to get away with this. Now they have attacked me and this is personal, they have drawn their swords in a war of words one, which me and my fellow amateur authors will win. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
