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Some professional writers want online article submission websites to disappear completely. Why, well because amateur online article writers and authors like me go there and post their work for free and other websites, Ezines and even print newsletters, newspapers, magazines or trade journals pick them up for free.

You can see why this causes a rift in the their professional freelance writing business right? Sure, yet consider that this is purely a supply and demand issue and when the flood gates are opened for regular people, THE PEOPLE, to write and express themselves on the Internet the supply goes way up, but the demand may only be increasing at a constant up-tick, although it is not a linear curve either, as it too is climbing.

Since the quality issues of the writing are of consideration and those seeking quality content are finite, the professional writers will need to pony up and increase both volume and quality, not sit on their butts and complain that they are being run out of work by a bunch of amateurs.

In fact for a group of psychological case studies (most writers in general) with huge overblown, unearned and undeserved egos it would seem, that if they are as good as they claim to be; then what is the problem? Well, they hate online article submission sites and complain that is the reason that they cannot make money? I think the reason is because they suck and are lazy.

For instance I wrote 7000 articles in 15-months, these writers wrote how many? 150 to 400? They just are complaining because they cannot compete and that is my opinion besides supply and demand will take care of them and shut them up for good. Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
