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Amateur Radio Texas Hurricane

South Texas has sure seen a lot of rain and flooding in the last decade. Of course in many parts they are also in what is getting close to severe drought issues. Why with all this rain are they having such terrible droughts? Well, because the populations have so drastically increased in the region and remember the area is most sagebrush like and never really has had much water, except in the rivers and lakes. There is underground water from build-ups of thousands of years, but what are you going to do when your well runs dry?

Now with the Pacific Ocean heating up we have El Nino forming with warmers surface water temps and perhaps meaning a wet West Coast and a more dry Texas in the Winter of 2006. Meanwhile what do we have on the horizon? None other than the remnants of another Pacific Hurricane; Hurricane Lane which will come apart and drop lots of water in Western and Southern Texas. Meaning Hurricane Lane remnants may Flood Texas again in 2006.

Water issues are a huge consideration in Texas both from shortages and from flooding. Some meteorologists are already making predictions for the flooding and not ruling out future flooding from other Pacific Tropical Storms and Hurricane flows blowing apart as they hit land and bringing with them more precipitation quicker than the rivers can hold the water this year. Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
