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Amateur Radio Ursenbach

Recently a top notched writer of screenplays and public relations author wrote a hard biting article of half-truths about the online article submission sites popping up on the Internet. In fact she singled out one of the top online article submission sites and slammed it indicating it was flooding the market with amateur articles and making it tough for professional writers to sell their works out to the public?

Well, that is interesting as this top writer writes an ARTICLE to slam article writing for free to make a slanderous accusation about AMATEUR AUTHORS of ARTICLES? Do I sense a sort of hypocrisy here or a tinge of jealousy from this professional attacking writer?

Well, personally this issue does not concern me much, as her comments are not true and therefore irrelevant. Nevertheless she brought up a point of contention worthy of assisting me in my goals to write more articles, as I am the very amateur online article author she is slamming and supposedly preventing her from making money?

And when she attacks online article submission venue and the amateur writers like me, she inadvertently showed her true feelings and inner thoughts of other up and coming writers and attempted to put up a barrier to entry of protectionism, by slandering in an attempt to diminish online article submission sites. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
