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Amateur Radio Violation

Is it a violation of free speech to censor radio stations? We will go over these and other questions in this article. First off why are radio stations censored? To protect the public. Now many of you may agree or disagree with censorship. I for one completely disagree with censorship. I for one believe in freedom of speech. We live in a great country which allows us to have choices and the way I see it, if you don't like what is being said change the channel.

Now here is my reasoning why radio stations should not be censored. First off I believe in small government and more freedom for the public. When a radio station decides to censor something it is a slap in the face to every listener out there. I think we all are adults and have a little thing known as common sense. We all have the mental capacity to decide what to listen to and what not to listen to. Now people may say well we need to censor things for the kids and yes that maybe true to a point but let's be realistic here. First off it's the parents job to decide what their kids listen to and what their kids do not listen to. It's not the governments job to do this. Next if we are protecting the kids then MTV should be banned, have you watched some of the stuff they show on that station. That is where good parenting and teaching your kids to be responsible comes in to play.

Overall in life the more of one thing you have the less of something else you have. So yes we may have more security on radio stations with all of the censorship but we lose out on freedom of speech. The more security you have in life the less freedom you have. Just look at prisoners, they have all the security in the world but not any freedom.

Free Radio Stations has a lot more info on this and other interesting issues.
