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Boost Your Quality Score and Watch Your ROI Soar

What is Quality Score? Quality Score is Google's point system that grades how relevant your ad and website is for every keyword you are bidding on.

If you are paying too much for bids it is a quality score issue. How do you know if you are paying too much for bids? Your minimum bid should be in cents and not dollars and a lot of times a minimum bid can be from 5 cents - 12 cents. Paying more for every visitor eats into your profits and ROI so if you can decrease your minimum bids you will save cash and increase your profit and ROI.

The way to boost your quality score is to be relevant to the visitor. This means focusing not only your website on the keywords you are bidding on but focusing your ad on those keywords also. I understand that you won't be able to have every single keyword you have in a campaign on your website especially if you are bidding on a lot of keywords but what you can do is group your keywords.

Grouping your keywords is using a one common word keyword in every keyword phrase in your ad group. If you were selling musical instrument amplifiers online, ad group 1 could look like this: ad group name "guitar amplifiers"


guitar amplifiers

fender guitar amplifiers

cheap guitar amplifiers

used guitar amplifiers

Ad group 2 could be named "bass amplifiers"


bass amplifiers

bass guitar amplifiers

mesa boogie bass amplifier

Grouping your keywords in your ad groups in such a fashion will help you keep your account orgainized, and write ads targeted to your root word and variations of the root word. Grouping your keywords will also help Google be able to serve your ads on these search phrases and if your bidding on the content network will help Google serve your ads so they are targeted to the right searchers also.

Something else that will help you boost your quality score is to get a high CTR which is short term for click-thru rate. The number of times a searcher clicks on an ad per number of times the ad is viewed. If an ad is served 100 times and receives 3 clicks the CTR will be 3%. A good minimum CTR to aim for is 1%. If you drop below that you either want to adjust your ad to suit that keyword better or drop the keyword.

Writing a relevant ad will also help you boost your quality score because a relevant ad will get a good CTR which is a criteria for how Google calculates your Quality Score. Here is an example of a relevant ad for a searcher that typed the search phrase "bass amplifiers":

Save on Bass Amplifiers

Bass Amplifiers up to 40% Off

Free Shipping on Orders Over $100!

To recap what we have learned here - to Boost your Quality Score "group" the keywords in your ad group using one common keyword. Write a relevant ad because a relevant ad will get you a better CTR and focus the content of your landing page on those keywords. Your CTR will rise as will your Quality Score and your profit and ROI will soar.

Robert Walter has been successfully marketing online for over 6 years. Learn the guerrilla marketing tactics for Adwords with these Hot Adwords Training Guides
