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Many freelance professional writers just hate amateur article writers who put their works and ideas even innovations online as free content for all takers. One self-proclaimed healthcare public relations (mostly for the health and fitness industry) writer of 20-years states that online article submission sites are costing many professional writers lots of money since they give away free content. So, she took it on herself to write a detracting and scathing article on the subject.

In this article she said these articles serve no purpose. Well the hell they don’t, they allow people freedom of expression. And her article was nothing more than an attempt at controlling information so she and her writers could hold out for higher fees to clients. Like the oil companies she wants to control supply and demand and therefore attacked the online article submission sites.

Well I am an amateur author who uses such a site to post my articles and you know what? You know I ought to flood the market with 1000 health articles next month and contact all those customers of hers and give them free articles.

has no right to tell the amateur authors like me what I can and cannot write or most of the nearly 25,000 authors on an online article submission site. That is protectionism in order to extract higher fees from the buying public. She is attempting to control or limit supply and cut amateur authors out of the pattern. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
