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Cb Radio Tuning

What is your personal radio station?

We all have our own personal radio station. Ourpersonal radio station is the essence of who weare.

I was not always tuned into my happiness station.There was a time when I was really unhappy andlost.

I kept searching for happiness outside myselfthrough people, books, courses, chocolate to namebut a few.

I remember saying to myself, when I was in themiddle of another course, “Once I have done thiscourse, I will be happy”,, or I have said this,“When I meet the right person, I will be happy”.

I didn’t know how to stop searching forhappiness. And, although I had heard that“happiness is inside”. I didn’t feel it orbelieve it.

You may find yourself experiencing the sameproblems now.

I then found the secrets of tuning into my radiostation and these are:

Every morning, start the day by consciouslytuning into your happiness station. You can dothis by thinking of something happy and gettingin touch with those feelings and then you will betuned into your Happiness station.

Make a conscious effort to stay tuned into it,regardless of what station other people are on.

When you don’t feel happy, you know that you arenot tuned into your station, so tune back in.

Your awareness will help you to tune into yourradio station and stay tuned in.

When you are tuned into your personal radiostation, you are being your true self andallowing your true essence to radiate out.

How do you know when you are tuned into yourstation?

Well, you feel it, you feel in tune with yourselfand you are in the flow or the zone, whicheverphrase fits you. Your day goes smoothly and youfeel really happy, and everything is effortless.

We have different radio stations like “anger”,“sadness”, “depressed”, “negative”. I am surethat you can think of other stations that youtune into to. These are not our true radiostation and frequency.

Our natural default setting inside of us is happiness. As Sydney Banks says, “We are onethought away from happiness and one thought awayfrom sadness”, or we could say that “we are oneradio station away from happiness and one radiostation away from sadness”.

Once we find our radio station, we can thenchoose to tune into it all the time.

What stop us from tuning in our radio station?

Our thoughts and feelings stops us from tuninginto our station. If we are feeling down, then wewill naturally tune into that station and will besending that frequency out to others.

Would you like to know what your radio station isand how to tune into it?

Caroline Douglas is a Life Coach who gets resultsand will help you tune into your personal radio station. Sign up for her mailing lists ( Email her any questions or comments you may have
