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Chinese Amateur Radio Tranceivers

Would you like to learn Chinese online? If so, you're not alone.

It's estimated that there are around 30 million people learning the Chinese language worldwide, many of whom choose to learn it online.

The first way to learn Chinese online is to practice with a native speaker who is learning your language by using instant messaging application such as MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, etc. or IP telephony software such as Skype. The question is, how do you find such individuals to be your Chinese teachers? Simple. There are many so-called language exchange communities online that can pair up language learners according to their needs. Just do a simple search on any of the major search engines using the keyword "language exchange" and you're on your way to find your first Chinese language partner.

You can also learn Chinese online via podcasts that are readily available online these days. Simply do a search on Google with keywords related to "podcast" and you'll get tons of podcasts at your disposal. Or if you'd like some more up-to-date information, you can tune into some online Chinese radio stations to listen to the news or enjoy music in Chinese. If you've got a fast internet connection, you can also watch online TV through many free software applications.

And thanks to helpful language enthusiasts, there are many carefully prepared Chinese lessons online that you can learn Chinese for free at any time you want to.

Do another simple search online for Chinese courses and you'll find tons of them out there that you can easily get up to speed with. This is perhaps the most direct way to learn Chinese online.

Are you a blogger? If so, join the Chinese blogging community. The kind of language used in blogs are the most original and fresh Chinese language that you can ever read online. Interact with the Chinese bloggers. Make friends with them and, who knows, maybe they'd become your Chinese teachers in one way or another.

Those are just a couple of ideas of how you can learn Chinese online, but seriously, let your imagination run wild. There are plenty of opportunities to get online exposure to this beautiful language. Keep searching and keep having fun while you're at it.

Owen Lee helps students all around the world to learn Chinese easily and quickly, with minimal effort and maximum efficiency. To find out more about how to learn Chinese online, visit Learn Chinese Online of Learn Real Chinese
