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Gielda Cb Radio

Satellite radio is a digital broadcast sent through a communications satellite to a receiver in your home or car. You will be able to receive the signal for a satellite radio anywhere where there is line of sight between your receiver and the satellite, given that there are no major obstacles such as tunnels or buildings. A subscriber of this service will be able to access satellite radio channels at any location.

Commercial Free

The main disadvantage of satellite radio versus regular radio is the fact that with satellite radio you must pay to subscribe for the service. Generally, membership fees will cost you $12 to $15 a month for unlimited access to their service.

The advantage of paying for this type of service is that the operational cost to run the service is provided by the fees. Because of this, it is no longer necessary to sell advertisement time, making it possible for uninterrupted, commercial free listening. For some people, the monthly payment they pay for this type of service is worth it in order for them to experience radio without any commercials, and with clear digital sound.


In order to access the satellite radio network you will need to have a receiver that is capable of receiving the signal at the specific frequency your service provider is transmitting. Different providers have exclusive rights to specific frequencies, and receivers from other providers are not compatible with signals of different companies. If you are switching satellite radio providers you will either need to obtain a new receiver, or have your current one modified to accept the frequency of your new provider.

The United States has two satellite radio providers in which you will be able to subscribe to. They will both offer you similar services at relatively the same cost. With the fee you pay you will be able to gain access to their service for two or more receivers. Depending on your provider, additional receivers may cost you an extra fee.

Satellite Radio provides detailed information on Satellite Radio, Portable Satellite Radios, Satellite Radio Reviews, How Does Satellite Radio Work and more. Satellite Radio is affiliated with Satellite Phone Plans.
