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Ham Radio - Beam Antenna For City Dwellers

It is of the utmost importance that you get the perfect satellite dish alignment if you are going to have trouble free satellite reception. This is to align the satellite dish to the satellite in order to receive the signal. When doing this there are three very important parts to adjust in order to get what you want - elevation, azimuth, and polarization.

Elevation is the angle between the earth and the satellite, which is above the horizon. This is usually referred to as the up and down motion of the satellite antenna. The azimuth is the direction the direction the antenna is pointed towards and is relative to a magnetic north. It is sometimes referred to as the left or right movement on your antenna. Polarization is the correction between where the antenna is relative to the curvature of the earth and the satellite signal beam. This satellite signal is either horizontal or vertical polarized, but due to the longitude of the antenna location, the antenna's feed horn must be rotated to correctly match the beam's polarization.

If you have to find the best place to put your satellite your first priority needs to be making sure your site has no obstructions towards the southern sky. The satellite must be pointed towards a clear sky in order to pick up the signal that you want to receive. Even things such as branches and leaves can stop this signal from coming through and if you decide to mount your dish to a wall inside your window then you will have to get rid of the glass and replace it with plexi glass as the signal won't penetrate glass itself.

It is clear that the alignment of your satellite dish is crucial to you receiving the best signal that's available. So try to set this up as exact as you can. If you happen to live in an apartment building and you're on the wrong side, then your chances for getting satellite are very slim. However, you may have a landlord that is willing for you to access the roof, but unfortunately there are not many of them around these days.

For lots of information onsatellite dish installation and other satellite tv related topics, visit Your Satellite TV Guide at
