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How Does Satellite TV Work

Satellite TV is transmitted by communications satellites, unlike cable TV. Satellite TV provides a broader range of channels and packages than cable or terrestrial TV as it oftentimes supplements older terrestrial signals. It also provides subscription only services.

When Satellite TV for the first time came in the market, the dishes used at home were huge and expensive. Back then only the most ardent viewers went through the trouble of installing that huge metal device and the expenses that came along with the process. It was tougher to watch Satellite TV as compared to cable or broadcast.

It is a different story today. There are compact little satellites available now, and most houses have them.

Satellite TV consists of a wireless way of transmitting television programmes to your home. This is done with the help of a radio signal. In broadcast TV, powerful antenna is used to transmit radio waves all around itself and much smaller antenna are used by the viewer to pick up these signals.

The signals come from the bigger antenna in a straight line, so the smaller antenna have to be in direct line with it in order to receive the radio signals being sent. This is a problem. Satellite TV solves this problem by sending the waves from satellites which orbit the earth. By being in the sky instead of on earth, they are able to target many more viewers. Specially made antennas called dishes or satellite dishes send the radio signals to viewers on earth.

Learn more about Internet TV by visiting Satellite TV Online now.
