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How To Set Up Amateur Radio Club

Does your golf game disintegrate as soon as you have to play a chip shot within 50 yards of the green? Well, it's not uncommon and the good news is that it can be rectified for you right now!

A chip shot is a short shot around the green that has minimum airtime and maximum roll time. Another way to describe it is 1/3 air, 2/3 roll. You can use one of the following clubs when chipping to the green: 5-iron, 7-iron or 9-iron. Common complaints from amateur golfers about chipping are that they top the ball, hit the ball thin, hit the ground behind the ball, blade the ball over the green or completely shank the ball.

The miss-played shots that are described above are usually the result of an incorrect set-up. There are three positions in chipping that are the foundation of a successful chip shot. Let’s review them now from the perspective of a right-handed golfer:

1. The golf ball should be positioned in the middle of your stance

2. Place 75% of your weight on your left foot

3. The grip end of the golf club points to the middle of your left leg

4. Grip down on the golf club to the END of the grip

The reason you want the golf ball in the middle of your stance is for more consistent impact. So still following the example of a right-handed golfer, if you place the golf ball too far forward in your stance you will have a tendency to hit the ball thin or top the ball, and you will pull the ball to the left. If you play the ball too far back in your stance you will have a tendency to top or shank the ball and push it to the right.

When you place 75% of your weight on your left foot you are ensuring yourself that you will hit down on the ball and not up. So always make sure that you keep the weight on your front foot in the back swing.

Gripping down on the golf club will ensure a cleaner, more controlled hit at impact. If you are struggling with hitting thin shots or topping your chips, when you move your golf club handle further to the left (across from your left leg), you will allow the club head to hit the ball on a descending blow and not ascending.

So practice what you have learned and your consistency will improve immeasurably. Remember the words of wisdom uttered by the truly great golfing gentleman, Gary Player: ‘The more I practiced the luckier I became!”

Nigel G. Tuck
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