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How To Tune A Cb Radio

Although you may want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life when you go camping or trekking, you may hanker for a bit of news from the outside world from time to time. In this case you may have a battery operated radio to tune into the latest news broadcast or maybe even a bit of music. An alternative to this is a solar radio. This article will point out some of the benefits and features of solar radios and why you could use one on your next camping trip.

Solar powered radios come in many shapes and sizes these days but the most practical one for camping is the utility solar radio flashlight variety. This radio has a robust design that can withstand the odd bump or two. The radio can tune into the standard AM/FM stations and some can tune into short wave.

The solar panel fitted to the radio can charge the radio to full capacity in about 4 hours. This will ensure that the radio will last through the day and night. The radio has a flashlight in one end and thus serves a dual purpose. These types of solar radio also have a crank so that you can generate power by simply winding the crank. This is useful in case there is no direct sunlight or if you forget to charge the radio. You can be completely isolated from any traditional forms of power and still be able to keep in touch with the outside world. This is especially so of solar powered radios with short wave as the range is greater and you can pick up more stations.

Other types of solar radios include solar radio headsets. These are useful for rollerblading or jogging.

Solar radios are useful because they never run out of power. If you have ever wanted to use your radio and then realized that the batteries are flat then you will know how useful this is. You can simply wind up the crank and leave it in the sun while it's playing. As the solar panel begins to charge the radio battery the radio will continue to play. No more need for AA batteries.

Solar power can also be used to charge standard batteries like AA batteries and a host of other batteries. Find out about solar battery chargers and how they can be useful on camping trips or in the boat. Learn more about other solar powered appliances at . Adrian Whittle writes about using solar power and appliances that can utilize renewable energy sources.
