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Solar energy panels are photovoltaic (PV) devices to produce power from sunlight, the ultimate source of energy.

Solar energy is harnessed using photovoltaic cells. Groups of photovoltaic cells are known as solar modules. There are a range of products using single crystal solar cells producing 30 to 165 watts of power. The modules can be adapted to off-grid or on-grid power generation needs. The modules offer a 20- to 25-year warranty.

The modules based on crystalline silicon are one of the most efficient available on a commercial basis. The modules are formed by a series of cells wired together and are available in complete packages for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.

The cost structure for various modules is $225 for 30 watt (16.8 Volts), $375 for 50 watts (17.3 volts), $487.50 for 65 watts (16.3 volts), $525 for 70 watts (16.7 volts), $750 for 100 watt (16.1 volts), $825 for 110 watt (16.7 volts), and $1,237.50 for 165 watt (32 volts).

Using solar energy bestows one with up to a thirty percent tax credit from the federal government. More than that, solar power does not release harmful emissions, whereas most other forms of power release effluents leading to global warming, acid rains, and smog. Backup batteries ensure the unlimited supply of power even in the absence of sunlight.

Solar energy panels can use the sun’s energy to heat water for sanitary use at home or for pools and hot tubs. PV panels, on the other hand, convert light into electricity. Most commonly, these panels are placed on the roof. The power generated by PV panels is transmitted to a battery for storage. Household power needs are drawn from this storage.

Solar Panels provides detailed information on Solar Panels, Home Solar Panels, Solar Energy Panels, Free Solar Panels and more. Solar Panels is affiliated with Electric Boilers.
