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President Jackson Cb Radio

What is scarier in today’s political landscape? Another Clinton or Obama? Or better yet Michael Jackson?

In my opinion, both are pretty scary.

First, Hillary Clinton thinks of no one other than herself. Just look at her past. Even when Bill was in office she did not act like other First Ladies most of which garnered charities or special causes and fought for them. Was Hillary suppose to do the same? Probably not after all we are all our own individual BUT even though her husband was elected it was his responsibility to uphold the law of the land and she clearly stepped over the line by using whatever political means at paving her own way into Washington. Clearly, she has no experience at running a country much less a state like NY. Oh wait a minute. My bad. She was never Governor there either. Oh yeah, she was from another state. Somewhere south.

Second, Obama. It is interesting how controversy follows this guy. Was he not just elected to serve his state in Washington? Why is he on the road running for President? Has he done his job? Is he qualified for President?

The chance are remote and I mean remote that if I land a job at AT&T they will allow me to waltz in and take over as President and CEO of the company based on MY notion that I know more about how to run their business than they do.

This is the same argument I pose against these two candidates. They know Zilch about politics. About this country. And about what is best for the American public.

Until they do something that is clearly not going to benefit them AND to do get busy and do their own Day Job then stay out of the race for President. Leave that for the real people who have not only depth but experience with dealing with an in-effective Congressional body of deadbeats.

Copyright (c) 2007 Buddy Shearer

Buddy Shearer is not a sought-after Internet marketer but rather a regular guy trying to make a living. He can be found building up a new site for Christian Support and other useful information.
