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Private Pilot Test

Taking the Test

Pilots are a rare kind of human. They leave the ordinary surface of the word, to purify their soul in the sky, and they come down to earth, only after receiving thecommunion of the infinite.

The practical test or the 'flight test' is the in-flight examination, actually conducted in your training airplane. The person who will administer this test is usually anFAA-designated examiner.

Of course, taking this test you may feel anxious or nervous. That is part of the process. However, rest assured that the flight examiner is not your enemy. He or she is there to help ensure that you are capable of flying a plane with skill, safelyand confidently.

The first part of this test is usually planning a cross-country flight for which the flight instructor will give you the specific route that he or she wants you to fly.After this part, you will then have an oral portion of the test with the flight examiner.

Here, the flight examiner is looking to see how well you know about flight planning, weather, regulations, operating procedures, and aircraft performance.

Subsequently, it is time to go flying. Be sure to do a pre-flight inspection even if the examiner does not request that youdo so. Do the pre-flight inspections just as you would do it on your own, with the manufacturer's checklist carefully.

Treat the situation as though you are a licensed pilot with a passenger. Do not make any assumptions. Be careful andresponsible in all that you do. Use the checklist at every stage of the flight from before starting the plane and up to shutting the engine off and landing the plane.

Good judgment and carefulness is what you wish to impress upon your flight examiner.

Visit Private Pilots Secrets to receive your private pilot's license in 9 easy steps - follow these simple steps and you'll have your license in no time at all!
