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Professional Writer Writes a Hate Crime Piece Against Amateur Authors Online

Perhaps you have heard that a professional and gifted screen play writer has recently written a scathing article on the online article submission trend growing on the Internet. One online article submission site now has over 27,000 authors and 250,000 articles online.

The Professional Writer wrote a Hate Crime piece against Amateur Authors Online and posted it on a popular writers Internet website. Many were offended and have said; Never Again! Yet, if someone HATES amateur authors and they are a professional writer then they hate themselves. Because that article she wrote, she did not get paid for and she was once an amateur herself. Yet forgot from hence she came.

No one really assumes more than a few hundred of anybody read her dribble and of the Professional Writers out there, well any of the SMART ones probably are involved in using online article submission websites as a marketing tool.

This Hate Crime against online amateur article authors was a very small scandal until the number one amateur author got a hold of it. Thus is allowing him to continue posting more articles of defense and thus growing the debate until it smothers the scathing, slanderous and slamming surprise attacker. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
