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Radio Madera 1300 Am

For those who don't know the lingo, a phone word (or vanity number) is the alpha numeric equivalent to a phone number. For instance, 1300 CREDIT = 1300 273348.

For more than 30 years, phonewords have been a phenomena in the United States. Three years ago they entered the Australian market and have shot to popularity in advertising because of their memorability and demonstrated results when it comes to customer recall.

If you have a phoneword - or are contemplating getting one to boost your marketing efforts - here are 5 handy tips regarding how to use it effectively to maximise its impact - and your advertising spend.

  1. Use your Phone word throughout all your marketing activities – on promotions, throughout advertising, even on your business stationery and building signage.
  2. Phone words are particularly strong in radio. If your business suits radio advertising, use it and ensure your Phone word features prominently in the broadcast.
  3. Create fun little direct mail pieces for customers and prospects that connect back to your Phone word. For instance, send your prospects a packet of “lifesavers” with your name and Phone word as a solution to their problem.
  4. Ever get a jingle stuck in your head? Create your own fun jingle featuring your Phone word and include it as “on hold” music when customers and prospects ring.
  5. If you advertise in the Yellow Pages, make sure you feature your Phone word largely in your listing. Once a customer remembers your name, they don’t need to look you up any more, and that’s bad news for your competitors.

There are so many ways you can use your phone word and each time you use it, it grows stronger and stronger. A phone word is a valuable marketing asset and you should actively use it in your promotional activities to make the most of it.

Gavin Scholes is CEO of Australia's largest provider of phone words and smart numbers, 1300 Australia. Talk to 1300 Australia for access to expert advice and the broadest range of high quality phonewords in Australia.
