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Sirius Canada - Satellite Radio Review

If you are interested in Satellite Radio in Canada you will surely be interested in taking a look at Sirius Canada. Here are my thoughts on satellite radio in Canada. Once satellite radio first hit Canada I was very eager to jump on the train. The draw of new, commercial free channels, are what made me switch.

Installing: Installing Sirius Satellite Radio into your Car is not actually very hard. For a clean professional look I would look into having your retailer do it for you. This way they will hide all the wires and get the entire system set up for you. I took the manual approach and the total installation took me an hour. The only challenge is the threading of some wire around your dash and siding.

Use: My early version of the satellite radio did require some minor setup once I had the antenna installed. My version required me setting a particular station to which I would tune into my radio for the music to be played. So the antenna would broadcast the signal which my car radio would pick up on. It is nothing technical to be worried about though.

The Service: Sirius Canada produces a staggering lineup of radio choices. I see little point in me listing them all here as it would waste your time. Channels include every genre, from rock, classic, jazz...all the usual genres you would expect. That just scratches the surface on the variety. One of the draws to Sirius Canada for me, was the ability to listen to channels other then just music. There are talk shows, call in shows, advice shows, and my personal favorite the sports shows. Now, there are of course drawbacks to Satellite radio but I found Sirius Canada to be few and far between. Going on long drives required me to constantly switch the radio channel the unit would broadcast to. I would drive into new towns that used that particular signal causing my own signal to fade. I was disappointed on that respect. My version (which was very early) played through the radio which wasn't the highest quality sound. Newer versions I believe have a direct connect option to alleviate this problem. Overall my experience with Sirius Canada and Satellite radio in general was very positive.

For a more detailed look check out Sirius Canada, where I guest write for the site owner.
