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What Are The Types Of Radio Link Communications Diversity

More than anything else, I’ve come to realize that minority leaders still have a great deal to learn about diversity. Many minorities have based their understanding of diversity on the fact that they are a minority and that they are already sitting on the ‘right side of the table.’ It’s a difficult reality for minority leaders who must accept that we too have prejudices we need to deal with.

It is not easy to discover that our view is just one of many, and that there are many others that are equally valid. As leaders it’s our responsibility to create a climate that values diversity and fairness. General Motors, for example, has taken an innovative step to reinforce diversity awareness by recruiting senior executives to serve as “diversity champions” for each major organizational unit. These champions are expected to advocate the importance of diversity as a strategic issue.[1] Leaders must establish the link between diversity and organizational values. “The leadership task is to ensure that cultural modifications are made as needed to maintain congruence with the environment and with changes in mission, vision, and strategy.“[2]


[1] Thomas, R. Roosevelt (1996). Redefining Diversity. New York, NY. AMACOM Books. p. 240.

[2] Thomas, 1996: p. 70.

Lieutenant Ken Rice is an Active Duty Naval Officer stationed in Norfolk VA. He is currently assigned to Commander, Naval Surface Force's Warfare Requirments Directorate as the FORCEnet Requirements Officer. Lieutenant Rice is responsible for the program analasys and budget oversight for Information Technology Transformation for the Surface Fleet. He is currently enrolled at Regent University working towards a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.
