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What Separates AM and FM Radio From Its Competition?

With advances in technology, AM and FM Terrestrial Radio is facing more competition than ever before. Ipods, Satellite Radio, and Internet Radio stations are certainly having an effect on the amount of people tuning in to the AM and FM dials. But, there are a number of advantages that Terrestrial Radio needs to focus on to separate itself from the competition.

First and foremost is the fact that AM and FM radio is 100% free. While Ipods, Satellite Radio, and some Internet Radio websites cost money, AM and FM has been and always will be free. Also thru advances in technology am and fm radios have started streaming their programming via internet online radio. The benefits of this have a positive impact both to the listeners and radio stations themselves. These benefits will allow terrestrial radio to always hold a strong place in our society.

In addition, AM and FM radio stations offers live and local programming and content. When you tune into a terrestrial radio station, you hear everything from local weather to up to the minute news and traffic to sports updates and so on. This is all coming to you via a live Disc Jockey. Many listeners identify with and even feel they have a relationship with these Disc Jockey’s and tune in daily to hear their thoughts and interact with the station on a personal level.

Terrestrial Radio is so much more than just music and Disc Jockeys. Many stations hold daily contests and offer their listeners they chance to win money, tickets, trips, and various other great prizes. Further, some stations put on concerts where they feature artist that are popular on their radio station and this again allows their listeners the chance to interact with the station on a personal level.

Terrestrial AM and FM Radio is here to stay as long as stations continue to focus on the advantages they have over their radio competition.

Adam Savage is a Terrestrial Radio Expert with over 10 years in the New York City Metro Radio Market working for some major industry companies. He is one of the pioneers of internet radio and currently owns and operates – The First Free Simple Internet Radio.

This article may be reprinted if this credit remains intact. Courtesy of Adam Savage and
