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Why Satellite TV is Superior to Cable TV

Satellite TV is a term used to describe a wireless system which delivers television programming directly to your house. This is done with the help of a small dish, which is installed outside the house and measures about 18 to 24 inches in terms of diameter. Via a radio signal, TV and satellite stations send programming which the viewers then watch through their TV sets.

A powerful antenna is used by broadcast stations in order to send radio waves around the area, and a smaller antenna is used by viewers to receive the signal. The radio signals used to transmit television programming send signals from the broadcast antenna in a straight line. Thus, the satellite dish must be in direct line with the antenna in order to receive these signals. Small obstacles are insignificant in this regard - houses or trees will pose no problem for the signal to pass through. However, a huge obstacle, such as the Earth, will reflect the radio waves.

Satellite TV is better than cable TV because it offers much more options - up to three hundred channels, and the viewer can pick what company he or she wants to subscribe to and the package of channels to get. Cable systems force the viewer to watch whatever is offered in the region at whatever price it is offered in. That way, satellite TV is preferred over cable TV.

There are two main types of satellite TV distributions - DBS or Direct Broadcast Satellite and Television Receive Only or TVRO. DBS is also known as direct to home and a mini dish is used for this.

Learn more about Satellite TV Online by visiting Internet TV now.
