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Woodbridge Amateur Radio

Our culture is defined by what we have access to!With the concentration of media the access as been restricted to the newest tunes...

Or the latest product of the marketing strategy department decided you will listen and buy! As nothing else will be available from them.

Without an historical perspective, our culture is injeopardy, what has come before influences whatwill come next.

In the arts and music in particular this is primordial!

Lineage not only of genre but of musicians as wellFor example who influenced Chuck Berry who himself influenced Jimmy Hendrix who influencedEdgar Winter and so on...

K.L.O.D Radio and others like it providean essential services to the future of culture.It's a responsability I take seriously.

I also support independant artists, spoken words artists,ranters, conspiracy theorist, poets, writers.

In brief anyone with something to say and must be heard!

As mentioned in my artistic manifesto:

"Anything but cultural lethargy induced by packaged formula art!"

The respect for creators of original art is what drives me.Being a multidisciplinary artist myself, I understand the need for creation, that visceral need to create that cannotbe ignored! This addiction, I must create like others must breath!!!

Tune in! Turn on! Drop in!

Claude Gagne
K.L.O.D Radio the oldies station

Claude Gagne Owner of K.L.O.D Radio is an amateur music historian, as well as a multidisciplinary artist.

K.L.O.D Radio the oldies station
