Why would you want to add a wireless external antenna? The min-pci card called your internal wireless antenna within your laptop is a great engineering feat but it is also very limited. Adding a external wireless antenna gives you more options and better reception for all of your needs.
External wireless antennas can be used to find more networks to connect to, penetration testing, extending outdoor wireless networks, security testing for site surveys and over all just looking cool.
Another type of external antenna can be used to extend your wireless router or wireless access point. Adding a the proper antenna to your wireless access point will make your LAN perform like it is on crack. If you really want to extend your range you will have to add an external wireless antenna on your wireless access point and your laptop. Remember that wireless LAN communication is not like a AM/FM radio, you need to be able to hear and talk. If you have a huge antenna and amplifier on one end you need the almost the same setup on the other end to talk back.
Wireless external antennas can be purchased from vendors such a hyperlink and radio labs. They have many different connectors which hyperlink has divided by vendor wireless access points or routers. You will need to purchase a wireless adapter with external antenna connectors. Another good vendor to purchase from is Fab-Corp. You can purchase many different types of wireless adapter either the PCMICA or USB.
Go and purchase wireless LAN adapter with external connectors. Then choose your antenna type: omni-directional or directional, cantenna, mobile, mounted ect. After you choose you will now want to test your new life so down load Net Stumbler or Kismet or kismac and scan at will NINJA.
Wireless Ninja don't accept the world around them nor should you. Learn wireless networking inside tips from the wireless ninja http://www.wirelessninja.com - Simple and secure wireless networking.
Source: www.a1articles.com